It's either suits like me or the government. 

We all know how well they handle things. 

Why can't the world just take care of itself? 

Because the world is filled with stupid people. 

And I get paid a lot to be smart. 

Just like everyone else. 

Too afraid to peek over their walls for fear of what they might see. 

I manage my time very carefully. 

Each beep indicates x minutes of my time that has passed. 

I have allotted you no more than x minutes. 

I suggest you pick better topics of conversation. 

I have x more items on my agenda today. 

Wasting my time, telling me things I already know. 

The concept of waiting bewilders me. 

There are always deadlines. 

There are always ticking clocks. 

That's why you must manage your time. 

Every hacker has her fixation. 

You hack people, I hack time. 

So you should know that when I set a time line, there's a reason. 

Understand something. 

After I leave, you'll never see me again. 

There are very few people in my life that I have enough time to see more than once, & u r not one of them. 

She infected me with her time paranoia. 

We're all living in each other's paranoia. 

You definitely can't argue that. 

Is that why everyone tries to avoid each other? 

I need to calm down. 

I wish I could be an observer like you. 

Then I can think more calmly.  

This is comfortable. Less stressful. 

In fact, I feel like I can see everything, know everything this way. 

The distraction is momentary. 

We run from 1 deadline to the next.