I still don't understand why people like sports. 
They get so emotional over the weirdest things. 

But I do see the beauty in the rules, 
the invisible code of chaos hiding behind the menacing face of order. 

Better the devil you know than the devil you don't. 

Control is an illusion.  

Look at him, a scared, small animal. 
Now he's doing what all small animals do when they're scared, pretend they're bigger & scarier. 

The Speech is bullshit, but it works. 
It riles them up. 

This is not my opinion, these are the facts. 

Mostly lies. 

Nevertheless, it worked. 
It worked because the public believed the government had everything under control. 

The business model of this great nation of ours, 

Every business day when that market bell rings, 
We con people into believing in something, 
the American dream, family values. 
Could be freedom fries for all I care. 

It doesn't matter as long as the con works & people buy & sell whatever it is we want them to. 

" A con doesn't work without the confidence." 

When you look closely at the seams between order and chaos, do you see ? 
The strains, the tears, the glimpses of the truth hidden underneath. 
Why do they fight so desperately to mask what they are? 
Or is it that they become who they are when they put on the mask? 

Are you just as afraid as the rest of them? 

You need to learn how to speak to people. 

Look at these guys. 
What do you see? 

A lot of care and effort over what amounts to a pretty shitty game. 

What a dog see? 
A bunch of dumb animals, can't think pas anything but getting a ball in a hoop. 

What do they want you to see? 
Badass homies..ready to kill if you step to em. 

The question is, Which is the truth? 
Maybe all of them. Maybe none of them. 
Maybe truth don't even exist. 
Maybe what we think is all we got. 

Communication is good for my line of work. 
Takes a lot of it to run a good business. 

A guy walks up to a woman at a bar, 
He flirts with her. 
He makes small talk, but the woman insists she isn't gonna go home with him. 
Guy says, "What if I offer you a million dollars to sleep with me? " 
The woman's never had a million dollars in her life, 
She stops and considers the offer very seriously. 
The guy changes his mind, says, 
"What if I change my offer to a dollar instead?" 
Woman is aghast. 
"What kind of woman do you think  I am?" 
Guy says, "We already figured that out. Now we're just negotiating."