Asking for help is never anyone's strong suit. 
But then again, is it anyone's? 

An admission of weakness. 
But you can't avoid the simple truth. 

The only way to patch a vulnerability is by exposing it first. 

The flip side being that exposing a vulnerability leaves you open for an exploit. 

You know the definition of insanity? 
Rather that repeating your mistakes, you should develop your game a bit. 

Find any common ground. 
Let's play for it. 

Annihilation is always the answer. 
We destroy parts of ourselves everyday. 
We Photoshop our warts away. 
We edit the parts we hate about ourselves, modify the parts we think people hate. 
We curate our identity, carve it, distill it. 
Annihilation is all we are. 

If there's no who, then what's the what? 
What is it for? 

Existence could be beautiful, or it could be ugly, but that's on you. 

How do I know which one's for me? 


You got to find out the future you're fighting for. 
Sometimes you got to close your eyes and really envision that shit, bro. 

If you like it, then it's beautiful. 
If you don't?
Then you might as well fade the fuck out right now. 

In chess, help isn't allowed. 
That's the beauty of the game. 
You're locked into a set of moves as determined by your previous choices. 
Your options dramatically changing with every decision. 
There's no lifeline. 
There's no external force at play. 
It is a pure battle of 2 opponents, or in this case 1. 

You had to know more moves ahead than the player/user. 

You don't need to know moves outcomes. 
You just need to be able to see ahead of your opponent.