You're panicking right now. 

Remove all the emotions and you'll do just fine. 

When it's played back, though, kinda loses its magic. 

Hook someone more powerful than you by they are going to automatically exposed if they kill you. 

Aka auto-send their deeds(weak-points/pressure-points) to the authority, u disable it when you are alive & if they kill you it will be automatically send to all who they are afraid of. 

Look the other way, and push the right papers. 

Umm.... isn't it loop hole??

Do the research, find a way to break target. 

Get enough information to break the target. 

Own Target's WiFi, that'll grab whatever you need without him knowing.

Don't do this for the wrong reasons. 
Your anger is keeping you from seeing the bigger picture of why you started this thing. 


You don't take down a conglomerate by shooting them in the heart, 
'cause they don't have hearts. 

But you were wrong. 

We found their heart.

We rob it...they finally goes down .

He's shutting down, compartmentalizing the pain, living in the distraction, just like the holidays. 

the fake Santas,, the plastic trees, the annoying Christmas carols...

One big song-&-dance production to sell ourselves the theater that everything's jolly, at least for a moment. 

But when it's all over, Santa's gone back to his shitty day job. The trees get disassembled and thrown in a closet. The music's faded away. 

What then?

When that cold, brutal reality closes in on us, we're gonna need a friend, and that's still what you are.