In Mr Robot S03 E08 LearningsWhen you delete something, You're making a choice to destroy it. To never see it again. You choose to delete because… July 31, 2022· Updated :August 01, 2022
In Mr Robot S03 E07 LearningsLook around, sweetheart. I'm not the only one under their thumb. They're manipulating everything, always. Just … July 31, 2022
In Mr Robot S03 E06 LearningsIs this a matter of who wants to win the most? - I fought so hard to protect the 1 thing, that I couldn't see the big… July 31, 2022
In Mr Robot S03 E05 LearningsEvery morning starts like this graphic sex talk. Thankfully, I'm able to tune most of it out. When people talk like … July 31, 2022
In Mr Robot S03 E04 LearningsMetadata: The story behind the data. Getting information is one thing, but how it was created, where and by whom, Can o… July 29, 2022· Updated :July 30, 2022
In Mr Robot S03 E03 LearningsIf you pull the right strings, a puppet will dance any way you desire. - Couldn't close? I'll tell you what hap… July 29, 2022
In Mr Robot S03 E02 LearningsYour success will always follow mine. Don't mistake my generosity for generosity. - July 29, 2022
In Mr Robot S03 E01 LearningsIt's not about the money. It's about the principle. When we lose our principles, we invite chaos. - Practice m… July 29, 2022
In Mr Robot S02 E12 LearningsYou are only seeing what's in front of you. You are not seeing what's above you. - It's one thing to questi… July 28, 2022
In Mr Robot S02 E11 LearningsI wanted to confirm that this wasn't a waste of my time. My time is much more valuable than yours. .. You've wai… July 27, 2022
In Mr Robot S02 E10 LearningsPolitics is for puppets. - In my life, as I was making my way, I always asked the question, 'Am I the most powerfu… July 27, 2022
In Mr Robot S02 E09 LearningsYou see? I am a mercenary. I don't play fair. I play what I want. When you deal with a mercenary, then all decorum… July 26, 2022
In Mr Robot S02 E07 LearningsI can't seem to learn the rules. - World's Champion Chess Master Emanuel Lasker once said, " When you see … July 24, 2022
In Mr Robot S02 E06 LearningsEyes up son! On this journey of Life, It's best to stay focused on the road ahead. - It's time to move past it… July 23, 2022
In Mr Robot S02 E05 LearningsStep 1: Identify the Target and its Flaws. There are always flaws. Step 2: Build malware & prepare an attack. wrap … July 23, 2022
In Mr Robot S02 E04 LearningsAsking for help is never anyone's strong suit. But then again, is it anyone's? An admission of weakness. But yo… July 22, 2022
In Mr Robot S02 E03 LearningsLike all gods, their madness takes you prisoner. - Is that what God does? He helps? Tell me, why didn't God help m… July 21, 2022
In Mr Robot S02 E01 E02 LearningsI still don't understand why people like sports. They get so emotional over the weirdest things. But I do see the be… July 14, 2022· Updated :July 21, 2022
In Mr Robot S01 E10 LearningsA world built on fantasy! Synthetic emotions in the form of pills, psychological warfare in the form of advertising, mind… July 11, 2022
In Mr Robot S01 E08 LearningsIt's either suits like me or the government. We all know how well they handle things. Why can't the world just t… July 11, 2022
In Mr Robot S01 E07 LearningsView source. What if we had that for people? Would people really want to see? Find someone to be your honest self with?… July 11, 2022
In Mr Robot S01 E06 LearningsCalculate all the outcomes. - True courage is about being honest with yourself. Especially when it's difficult. - … July 10, 2022
In Mr Robot S01 E05 LearningsNothing is actually impenetrable. But people still built this place. And if you can hack the right person, all of a sudd… July 10, 2022· Updated :April 27, 2023
In Mr Robot S01 E04 LearningsThe devil's at his strongest while we're looking the other way, like a program running in the background silentl… July 10, 2022· Updated :April 26, 2023
In Mr Robot S01 E03 LearningsDebugging is actually all about finding the bug, about understanding why the bug was there to begin with, about knowing th… July 10, 2022· Updated :February 15, 2023
In Mr Robot S01 E02 LearnigsGive a man a bank and he can rob the world Power belongs to the people that take it. Nothing to do with their hard work, … July 09, 2022· Updated :July 10, 2022
In Mr Robot S01 E01 LearningsIt's good. So good, it scratched that part of my mind, part that doesn't allow good to exist without condition. -… July 09, 2022· Updated :February 11, 2023